Script: Create an Azure Service Principal


I wrote the following script last year, was very handy and proved useful for last few Azure projects. The script creates an Azure AD Application, an Azure AD Service Principal and then assign a given role.

  Create Azure AD Service Principal and Assign a role.

  Create an Azure AD Application, an Azure AD Service Principal and then assign a given role.

    File Name  : CreateAzureADPrincipalAndRole.ps1
    Author     : Nilay Parikh
    Version    : 0.1

  Specifies the new display name for the application.

  Specifies the new URL of the application homepage.

  .PARAMETER RMADAppIdenfierUris
  Specifies the new URIs that identify the application.

  .PARAMETER RmADAppPassword
  Specifies the password to be associated with the application.

  .PARAMETER RmRoleDefinitionName
  Name of the RBAC role that needs to be assigned to the principal i.e. Reader,   Contributor, Virtual Network Administrator, etc.








# Login to Azure

# Create an App
$app = New-AzureRmADApplication -DisplayName $RMADAppDisplayName -HomePage $RMADAppHomepage -IdentifierUris $RMADAppIdenfierUris -Password $RmADAppPassword
$applicationID = $app.ApplicationId.Guid | clip

# App Service Principal
New-AzureRmADServicePrincipal -ApplicationId $app.ApplicationId

Start-Sleep 10

# Assign Role DevTest Labs User
New-AzureRmRoleAssignment -RoleDefinitionName $RmRoleDefinitionName -ServicePrincipalName $app.ApplicationId


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