App Service, Service Fabric and Serverless Azure Function are becoming flagship computational service for Microsoft Azure. I am trying to find an economical benchmark for Computing in Azure. It is not a straight-forward task, but I am employing a simple methodology to find cost/computing rational between all three computational platforms.
Following is the highest throughput and zero error load test’s summary out 5 various load patterns for Azure App Service Server Farm of 3 instances.
Hourly Cost (3 x Instances) | 0.131183505 GBP x 3 = 0.393550515 GBP per Hour | Azure Pricing |
Hourly Test Count | 579,600 Api Calls | Load Test Stats & Profile |
Zero-Fault Average CPU Consumption | 91.490875% | Performance Stats |
Load Test – Detail Breakdown
Test Methodology
I ran user load of 600, 1300, 500, 500, 500, 50, 50, 50 respectively. My objective was to find Zero-Fault maximum throughput on the Azure App Service.

The user load was well distributed with planned load spikes for a successful run (I am using the same scenario pattern for all Azure Compute comparisons).

App Service Profile
Sites | 1 |
Instances | 3 |
Api (SDK) | Web Api 2.0 |
Machine Profile
"sku": {
"name": "B3",
"tier": "Basic",
"size": "B3",
"family": "B",
"capacity": 3
Machine Configuration
Size | B3 Basic |
CPU cores | 4 |
Memory GiB | 7 |
Local Storage GiB | 10 |
Azure Pricing [as of 25th April 2017]
- 0.131183505 per Hour per Instance – Based on Detail Usage Report from Azure Portal
- 0.131183505 x 3 = 0.393550515 per Hour per App Service Farm (3xNode)
Web API Harness – Sample Code
Generate random Guid
and apply list and hash operations.
# API Endpoint - 1
var guidList = new List<dynamic>();
for (var i = 0; i < 300000; i++)
var randomGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var guid = randomGuid;
var hash = randomGuid.GetHashCode();
var reverseGuid = Reverse(randomGuid);
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
var randomGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
guidList.Add(new { Guid = randomGuid, Hash = randomGuid.GetHashCode(), ReverseGuid = Reverse(randomGuid) });
// Return GuidList using JsonConvert
# API Endpoint - 2
ISupportedImageFormat format = new JpegFormat { Quality = 70 };
Size size = new Size(150, 0)
using (MemoryStream inStream = new MemoryStream(photoBytes))
using (MemoryStream outStream = new MemoryStream())
using (ImageFactory imageFactory = new ImageFactory(preserveExifData:true))
.Hue(180, true)
// Converting Outstream to Base64 and add into HttpResponse.
Accept Base64 2048×2048+300dpi High-Resolution image and applying some rigorous image manipulation.
Load Test Stats & Profile
I find TestId/3015 was the best match for comparison. Following is the summary of the test run.
Max User Load | 500 (No warm up or think time) |
Tests/Sec | 161 (579,600 Tests per Hour) |
Tests Failed | 11 |
Avg. Test Time (sec) | 0.37 (370 ms) |
Avg. Http Response Size (KiB) | 137.21 |
Throughput/Sec (KiB) | 22,090.81 (21.5731 MiB) |
Azure Metrics Query{{your resource group}}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{{your site farm}}/providers/microsoft.insights/metrics?api-version=2016-09-01&$filter=(name.value eq 'CpuPercentage') and aggregationType eq 'Average' and startTime eq 2017-04-25T21:20:00Z and endTime eq 2017-04-25T21:40:00Z and timeGrain eq duration'PT1M'
Performance Stats
You can also find raw result set at Gist.
Timestamp | Average CPU |
2017-04-25T21:20:00Z | 92.78 |
2017-04-25T21:21:00Z | 97.43 |
2017-04-25T21:22:00Z | 93.185 |
2017-04-25T21:23:00Z | 92.375 |
2017-04-25T21:24:00Z | 96.125 |
2017-04-25T21:25:00Z | 90.585 |
2017-04-25T21:26:00Z | 92.425 |
2017-04-25T21:27:00Z | 91.45 |
2017-04-25T21:28:00Z | 90.35 |
2017-04-25T21:29:00Z | 91.88 |
2017-04-25T21:30:00Z | 93.87 |
2017-04-25T21:31:00Z | 91.29 |
2017-04-25T21:32:00Z | 92.5275 |
2017-04-25T21:33:00Z | 87.2025 |
2017-04-25T21:34:00Z | 90.84 |
2017-04-25T21:35:00Z | 90.32 |
2017-04-25T21:36:00Z | 90.3725 |
2017-04-25T21:37:00Z | 90.5775 |
2017-04-25T21:38:00Z | 83.9275 |
2017-04-25T21:39:00Z | 90.305 |